Newsletter June 16th 2019 (Trinity Sunday)
Dear Parishioners
I take this opportunity to let you know that the Feast of Corpus Christi takes place on the Weekend of June 22nd / 23rd this year.
One of the great traditions in the Catholic Church is that we process through streets in our towns carrying the Blessed Sacrament, (Holy Communion) to mark this Feast. In doing so we pray Gods Blessing on our streets in our homes and in our lives.
This year the Procession in the Athlone area will take place after the 6.30pm Mass in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church on Saturday June 22nd. The Procession will take the following route.
Barrack Street, Pearse Street, Connaught Gardens, Battery Road and into Grotto View where an altar will be prepared and we will finishing with Benediction, ( A Blessing with the Blessed Sacrament)
The Procession the Drum Area will take place after the 8pm Vigil Mass on June 22nd from St. Brigid’s Church to Drum Grave Yard,
I invite you to be a part of this historic procession and encourage those living along the route to light a candle or place a small altar at their homes as we carry the Blessed Sacrament through the streets / roads of our Parish.
We also invite the children who received their First Holy Communion to take part in the processions.
On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council
Fr. John
June 16th