Season of Creation September 1st to October 4th 2023
|The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to pray
and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family
around the world unites to listen and care for our common home, the
Oikos of God.
The Season “Celebration” begins 1 September, the Day of Prayer for
Creation, and ends 4 October, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the
patron saint of ecology beloved by many Christian denominations.
Following the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrated in the
Northern Hemisphere, we began in February the Season of Creation
“Preparation” to reach local leaders and call our communities to
participate actively by raising awareness of the theme, and how to
respond to the cry of creation where the Lord calls us in our diverse
contexts. The stage of “Preparation” is key to prepare together for the
Season of Creation, creating bonds and relationships as the People of
God caring for our common home.
This year we will unite around the theme “Let Justice and Peace Flow”
with the symbol of A Mighty River. Ecumenical faith leaders from
across the world have prepared a special video to invite you to take
part in this season.
Many have also shared their reflections to inspire our ecumenical
family in this journey forward as Christians everywhere prepare to
witness the power of working together to let justice and peace flow
as we care for our common home. We invite you to reflect with their
words below:
“The Season of Creation is a splendid opportunity for Christians around
the world to embody the communion for which we human earthlings
are created, and to do so in the quest for lifeways that build justice
among people and allow Earth’s web of life to flourish.” – Cynthia D.
Moe-Lobeda, Ph.D., Professor of Theological and Social Ethics, Pacific
Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University.
Director, PLTS Center for Climate Justice and Faith
“There has never before been a time, in the history of human existence,
when we have so gravely threatened not only our own existence, but
that of the rest of the living world. But it’s not too late to act, if we do it
now, if we do it together.” – Bishop Olivia Graham, Diocese of Reading,
Church of England
“The Season of Creation is a vital and necessary reminder that God’s
saving, healing, justice-seeking love extends to every part of creation.
As the Church, the household of God, we are called to live out this
life-giving love for the benefit of all.” – Rev Faith Whitby, Bishop of the
Central District, Methodist Church of Southern Africa
“We live in very turbulent and troubling times as we continue to struggle
for world peace and the reconciliation and unity of all creation. We are
surrounded by war, violence, climate challenges and unjust systems
that continue to dehumanise and oppress people around the globe.
Christians are urged to join with God in the ever-flowing river for justice
and peace in the world.” – Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary,
World Council of Churches
“The Season of Creation is a reminder to young people that God is
Creator, and we humans, along with others (animals and plants), are
creatures. It is a reminder that we need to take care of one another as
our Creator takes care of us SoC is important for youth as it recognises
us (youth) as leaders of today rather than the victims of tomorrow.” –
Priyanka Gloria Gupta, Intern at the World Communion of Reformed
“The Season of Creation is a special time of the year to pray with others
as part of and with God’s creation. I am reminded that our joint response
in loving creation comes from first being in a loving relationship with
our Creator God.” – Jasmine Kwong Creation Care Catalyst, Lausanne
“This Season of Creation will be an opportunity to pray, reflect and act
together as the People of God for our common home. Like tributaries
joining forces to become a mighty river, the ecumenical family will
come together on a synodal path of care for our common home through
justice and peace.” – Sister Alessandra Smerilli, Secretary of the Vatican
Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
“The Season of Creation is celebrated by ACT members around the
world every year from September 1 to October 4. Celebrate with us this
year.” – Rudelmar Bueno de Faria, General Secretary, ACT Alliance.
“The Season of Creation has been a gift to the churches of the Middle
East. It has awakened the already present creation dimension in the
diverse worship traditions, it has provided language that responds
to the concerns of the youth, and it has provided a bridge between
the varied ministries and between the faith communities and the civil
society..” – Rev’d Dr. Rima Nasrallah, Middle East Council of Churches.
Through prayer, practical advocacy, and sustainable actions, this 2023
Season of Creation can prophetically renew our ecumenical unity and
care for our common home. We invite you to join this special season and
be part of this mighty movement for justice and peace.