Newsletter October 6th 2024 (27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B)
|Mass Readings for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
- First Reading – Genesis 2:18-24: God created animals and birds for man to name, but none was suitable. God then made a woman from man’s rib. Man recognized her as his equal and partner.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 128: Blessed are those who fear the Lord and follow his ways. They will enjoy prosperity, family blessings, and peace. May the Lord bless us throughout our lives.
- Second Reading – Hebrews 2:9-11: He was made lower than the angels to taste death for everyone. By God’s grace, he leads many to glory, becoming perfect through suffering and calling us “brothers.”
- Gospel – Mark 10:2-16: The Pharisees tested Jesus about divorce, and he emphasized God’s original design for marriage. He also welcomed children, stating the importance of receiving the kingdom of God like a child.