Newsletter October 13th 2024 (28th Sunday in Ordinary Time / October is the Month of the Rosary)
|Mass Readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- First Reading – Wisdom 7:7-11: I prayed for wisdom, valuing her above riches, health, and beauty. With her, I received all good things and countless riches.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 90: Teach us to value our days, fill us with your love, and show your glory to us and our children. Establish and bless the work of our hands.
- Second Reading – Hebrews 4:12-13: God’s word is powerful, discerning our deepest thoughts and intentions. Nothing is hidden from his sight; everything is exposed, and we are accountable to him.
- Gospel – Mark 10:17-30 or Mark 10:17-27: A man asked Jesus about inheriting eternal life. Jesus told him to follow the commandments and to sell his possessions. The man left sad. Jesus taught how difficult it is for the rich to enter God’s kingdom but affirmed that all things are possible with God.
Volunteer Appeal
As you may be aware the Relics of St Bernadette are visiting Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church on the Weekend of November 2nd to 4th. It is a great privilege to be chosen to host the relics.
While they are with us we will need to have parishioners on site at all times to assist those who will come to venerate the relics. We hope to have at least two volunteers in the church at all times during the visit.
We ask you to consider volunteering as a steward during this time. If you feel you can help please fill in the short questionnaire on the link below to register your name, or contact Martina at the parish office on 0906492171 (Weekday Mornings)We thank you in advance for your help.
John Daly
Chairperson Parish Pastoral Council.