Newsletter October 13th 2019
|How satisfying it is to receive a sincere “Thank you” for a service truly appreciated. We might even be embarrassed by the warmth of another’s thanks for something that didn’t cost us much sacrifice; but there’s still a warmth in being thanked for things we’ve done. The contrary also holds, of course: how hurtful it is to be consistently taken for granted, without ever a word of appreciation. One out of ten was a fairly poor proportion; but then, truly appreciative people, willing to make sacrifice to show their thanks, are rare enough.
After Mass, we need to bring this thankful spirit into practical social expression in our treatment of others; seeing our life as gift, we should be better able to accept the realities of daily living and share our blessings with others in a generous spirit.
Ordination of Fr. Michael Duignan as Bishop of Clonfert
Please keep Fr. Michael in your prayers as he is Ordained as Bishop of Clonfert this afternoon. We also pray for Bishop John Kirby as he retires as Bishop of Clonfert. Both are sons of our parish and we wish them both happiness and fulfilment in their ministries. The Ordination ceremony will be live streamed on from 3pm.
13th October