Newsletter March 23rd 2025/ Third Sunday of Lent
|Mass Readings for the 3rd Sunday of Lent Year C
- First Reading – Exodus 3:1-8A, 13-15: Moses encounters God in a burning bush at Horeb. Instructed to remove his sandals on holy ground, he is tasked to rescue Israelites from Egypt, armed with God’s name, “I AM.”
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: I praise the Lord for His kindness: forgiving sins, healing diseases, rescuing lives, and crowning with love. He is righteous, merciful, and gracious, with boundless mercy.
- Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12: Our forefathers, guided by a cloud and sea, were baptized into Moses, shared spiritual sustenance, and drank from Christ, the spiritual rock. Their failures in the wilderness warn us against evil cravings and complacency.
- Gospel – Luke 13:1-9: Jesus addressed the news of Galileans killed by Pilate, emphasizing that suffering isn’t directly linked to personal sinfulness. He called for repentance to avoid a similar fate. He then told a parable of a barren fig tree; a gardener sought more time to nurture it, symbolizing God’s patience and call for repentance.

We have added a Prayer Intention Form to the parish website.
You can use this form to request prayers from the Clergy in the Parish.
The intentions will be included in the 9.30am Mass, Novena & Benediction each Monday morning, in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church.
You can include as much or as little information regarding the intention as you would like to.
These intentions will not be made public and will be shared only with the priests of the Parish by the Parish Secretary.
Should you wish a member of the parish team to contact you please fill in the second section.