Newsletter February 23rd 2025/ 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time
|Mass Readings for the 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
- First Reading – 1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23: David, finding Saul asleep, refuses to harm him, saying it’s wrong to strike the LORD’s anointed. He takes Saul’s spear and jug, proving his mercy and faithfulness from afar.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 103: I praise the Lord and remember His kindness: forgiving sins, healing ailments, and saving from despair, showing endless mercy and love, far surpassing our shortcomings.
- Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 15:45-49: The first Adam was earthly, the last Adam (Christ) a life-giving spirit. We, once earthly, will transform to bear the likeness of the heavenly man.
- Gospel – Luke 6:27-38: Jesus taught his disciples to love their enemies, do good to those who hate them, and bless those who curse them. He emphasized non-retaliation, treating others as you wish to be treated, and loving unconditionally like God. He urged forgiveness and generosity, promising reciprocal blessings.

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