Newsletter 18th February 2024 (First Sunday of Lent)
|- First Reading: Genesis 9:8-15: God establishes a covenant with Noah, his descendants, and every living creature, promising no future floods will destroy all life. The rainbow, set in the clouds, symbolizes this perpetual covenant, a reminder to God and humanity of this promise.
- Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 25: I ask the Lord to teach me His ways, trusting in His salvation. Remembering His mercy and love, He guides the humble, showing the paths of righteousness to those who follow His covenant.
- Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22: Christ suffered for our sins to reconcile us with God, resurrected in spirit. He preached to spirits from Noah’s time, paralleling baptism that saves us—not by physical cleansing but as a commitment to God, empowered by Christ’s resurrection and heavenly reign.
- Gospel: Mark 1:12-15: After a period of forty days in the wilderness, facing Satan’s temptations among wild beasts and aided by angels, Jesus commenced his public ministry in Galilee. He proclaimed the nearness of God’s kingdom, urging repentance and acceptance of the gospel, especially following John’s arrest, marking a pivotal moment in his mission.