Parish Contacts

Parish Office

Town Area
Secretary;  Martina McSweeney
(Office Hours Monday – Thursday 9,30am to 1pm)
T. 090-6492171 (Regular phone or WhatsApp Messages)
Drum Area
Secretary; Catherine Higgins
(Office Hours, Monday to Wednesday 9.30am to 1,30pm)
T 090-6437125
E [email protected]

Safeguarding Officer

Lisa Malone  0871440833

Booking of Masses

Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church
Call the Sacristy at Mass times on 0906494150
( Phone only manned at Mass times)
Drum or Clonown
 090-6437125  Monday to Thursday 9.30am to 1,30pm

Parish Clergy

Fr. John Deignan, P.P.
10 Ashford
Co. Roscommon
T 090-6490874 (Regular phone & WhatsApp)
Fr. Christopher Edebianga C.C.
Forthill House
Battery Road
T 090-6492171
Fr. Joseph Wenjeslaus CC
The Presbytery
Drum, Athlone
Co. Roscommon
T 090-6437125
Deacon Tony Larkin
(Chaplain to  Coláiste Chiaráin )
Co. Roscommon
T 0857392473
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