Newsletter September 22nd 2024 (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time The Season of Creation Sept 1st—Oct 4th)
|Mass Readings for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- First Reading – Wisdom 2:12, 17-20: The wicked plot to test the righteous man with insults and torture, challenging his faith and patience, and plan to condemn him to a disgraceful death to see if God will protect him.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 54: O God, save and defend me. Hear my prayer. The proud and ruthless seek my life. You are my helper and support. I will praise your name, O LORD.
- Second Reading – James 3:16-4:3: Jealousy and selfishness cause disorder and evil. Wisdom from above is pure and peaceable. Wars come from inner desires. You lack because you do not ask or ask with wrong motives.
- Gospel – Mark 9:30-37: Jesus taught his disciples about his death and resurrection. In Capernaum, he addressed their argument about greatness, teaching that true greatness comes from being last and serving all, using a child as an example.