Newsletter September 15th 2024 (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time / The Season of Creation Sept 1st—Oct 4th)
|Mass Readings for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
- First Reading – Isaiah 50:5-9A: God supports me, so I face opposition without shame or fear, confident that no one can prove me wrong.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 116: I rejoice in God’s kindness as He listens and saves me from death, allowing me to live in His presence.
- Second Reading – James 2:14-18: Claiming faith without action is useless. True faith is demonstrated through caring deeds, not just words.
- Gospel – Mark 8:27-35: Jesus challenges His followers to recognize Him as the Messiah and teaches about self-denial and the hardships of following Him, promising life to those who sacrifice for His sake.