Newsletter 14th January 2024 (2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
|Mass Readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
- First Reading – 1 Samuel 3:3B-10, 19: In the temple, young Samuel hears the Lord’s voice thrice but confuses it for Eli. Eli recognizes the divine call and advises Samuel to respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” Samuel obeys, and from then on, he grows in God’s presence, with his words carrying significance.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 40: With patient anticipation, I waited for the Lord. He inclined to my plea, gracing me with a new song of praise. I offer not sacrifices, but an open ear to obey. In the scroll, it’s written—my joy is in fulfilling Your will, and Your law resides within my heart. I proclaim Your righteousness boldly, my lips unbridled in the assembly.
- Second Reading – 1 Corinthians 6:13C-15A, 17-20: Remember, our bodies are meant for the Lord, a temple of the Holy Spirit. United with Christ, we must avoid immorality, as it dishonors both ourselves and God. We were bought at a cost, so let’s honor Him in our bodies.
- Gospel – John 1:35-42: John the Baptist points out Jesus as the Lamb of God. Two of his disciples decide to follow Jesus, and he invites them to see where he stays. Andrew, one of the disciples, excitedly tells his brother Simon Peter that they’ve found the Messiah, and Jesus gives Peter a new name, Cephas (Peter).