Newsletter 10th December 2023 (Second Sunday of Advent)
|Mass Readings for the 2nd Sunday of Advent Year B
- First Reading – Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11: Summary: God promises comfort and forgiveness to Jerusalem, declaring an end to her trials. A path is made for the Lord’s glory, as He comes with power and tenderness, like a caring shepherd.
- Responsorial Psalm – Psalm 85: I listen for God’s words, for He promises peace to His people and salvation to the reverent. In our land, kindness and truth, justice and peace, shall unite under His blessings.
- Second Reading – 2 Peter 3:8-14: God’s time differs from ours; He’s patient, desiring all to repent. The Day of the Lord will bring transformation, urging us to live in holiness, awaiting a new righteous world.
- Gospel – Mark 1:1-8: Isaiah prophesied a messenger, John the Baptist, who emerged in the wilderness calling for repentance and baptism for sin forgiveness. He foretold of one greater than himself, unworthy even to untie His sandals, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit, not just water.