Newsletter 23rd July 2023 (16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly)
|Thoughts on todays readings
The readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, are focused on the Kingdom of God.
· The first reading reminds us that God desires justice and has shown us the way of kindness. The second reading tells us that the Spirit aids us in our weakness. And in the gospel Jesus gives us several parables related to the Kingdom of God, including the parable of the weeds in the wheat, the parable of the mustard seed, and the parable of the yeast.
· Coexistence of Good and Evil: In the gospel for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A, Jesus presents the reality that in this world, both the children of the kingdom (believers) and the children of the evil one (unbelievers) will coexist until the final judgment, highlighting the presence of evil and the challenges faced by believers in a fallen world.
· Spiritual Warfare: The parable depicts the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil, illustrating the strategies of the enemy to sow deception and hinder the growth of God’s kingdom.
· Patience and Delayed Judgment: The parable emphasizes God’s patience and long-suffering, as He allows both the wheat and the tares to grow together until the harvest, symbolizing the delay of final judgment and the opportunity for repentance.