Newsletter March 26th 2023 (5th Sunday of Lent)
|Living life to the full
It seems a bit strange to have this gospel on the Fifth Sunday of Lent. It seems to be clearly about the resurrection and yet we are still plodding through Lent and have to get through Good Friday before we get to Easter. What’s going on; have the Church’s liturgical engineers got it all wrong? Can I suggest that this text is more about death than resurrection? After all, Lazarus isn’t walking around today; he had to undergo another death. This text is more about our life and death here and now rather than about the resurrection. We will have time enough to consider the resurrection when we get to Easter Sunday and the weeks of celebration afterwards.
March-26th-2023-Ashford-PC-Web-VersionThis weekend we are beginning to reintroduce passing the collection baskets around at Mass. We will begin with the 12 noon Mass. I take this opportunity to thank our collectors and to thank you for your generosity and support of the parish.
In preparation for Easter the Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available after all weekend Masses in the parish this weekend.
Confessions will also be available on Easter Saturday from 10am to 2pm in Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church.
I attach a simple examination of conscience that you might find helpful in your preparation.
I am aware for some it can be difficult to come to the sacrament because of time or circumstance, please be assured the sacrament is an encounter with the loving forgiveness of God and all are welcome no matter how long it has been since you were last at confessions.
Fr. John