Live-streamed Service to dedicate November as a month of prayer & remembrance for the dead and the bereaved.
“This year, the month of November, in which we traditionally remember the dead and pray for the bereaved, will be particularly poignant. We sense a huge yearning for consolation and hope in the heart of you our people. We are especially mindful in 2020 of the many grieving families, who, because of restrictions, have been unable to experience the customary spiritual and community supports which are so much part of our Irish tradition.
On Sunday November 1st at 6.00pm the priests of Ss. Peter & Paul’s Parish, Kiltoom & Cam Parish & Knockcroghery, St. John’s & Rahara Parish will lead a short service of prayer live from Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church, Athlone to dedicate the month of November to ‘Remembrance of the Dead and Prayer for the Bereaved’.
We invite you to join us live on-line at